Saturday, May 9, 2009

Miss Patty Cake on Rick & Bubba!

Owen listens to Rick and Bubba every morning on his way to work. Friday morning he calls at 6:15 to say that Miss Patty Cake would be on the show within the hour. Since Maury and Carter are early risers we hopped in the car in our pj's and headed to the Rick & Bubba studio! Because it was so early there weren't many of Miss Patty Cake's "friends" there and we got to meet her!

For those of you who don't know Miss Patty Cake, she "uses her two hands to clap, heart to love, and voice to sing praises to God!" Maury is her #1 fan!

1 comment:

The Day Family said...

Wesley is so jealous...he loves Rick and Bubba...we don't know about Miss Patty Cake yet!?