Saturday, May 9, 2009

"That's why it's called TRAINING."

We (I) have been working on potty training Maury for about a week. After a couple of days I was ready to throw in the towel and told my mom I thought she should have it down (in 2-3 days). My mom said "That's why it's called training." Okay, so it takes a while, I get it. I'm now glad that I didn't give up and I'm happy to report that we've almost got it! We even ventured out to the zoo yesterday....used the potty at the zoo and the portable car potty several times! No #1 accidents since Thursday (#2 is another story, it'll take a little longer)! We've used sticker charts, candy, and any other bribes we could think of along the way! Hooray for Maury! I'm so excited to almost have one child out of diapers!

1 comment:

David said...

Good girl, Maury! Henry is trying to be like you!