Thursday, January 2, 2014

A Very Merry Christmas!!!

After our Christmas Eve service at church we had friends over and then got our cookies ready for Santa and our reindeer food sprinkled outside.  The kids were nestled all snug in their beds in plenty of time for Santa to come.  Waking up to see what he left is tricky with 3.  Caroline was asleep in our bed when the big 2 got up so they tried to wait patiently till she woke up but I'm pretty sure they nudged her a bit.  They were all excited of course.  Caroline squealed over her kitty cats and her brother twin, Maury loved her AG trundle bed, and Carter was most excited about his remote control trick car and airplane till he realized Santa left a new Wii downstairs!  We played all morning, celebrated Jesus' birth with our advent worship time, and crashed on the couch by late afternoon!  We had a very merry Christmas, we are definitely blessed beyond measure!!!
2 Kitty Cats!!!

Loves her AG Bed

A sleeping bag, or as C says "napper!"

Sofia dress/shoes and a hoo-la-hoop


Ariel and a matching dress for C from Mommy and Daddy!

Foot Spa from Mommy and Daddy!

Mario Cart Track for Mommy and Daddy!

Trying out her foot spa

The aftermath.

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