Saturday, March 20, 2010

Days Four and Five: Cousin Time!

We spent the end of the week in Decatur visiting with Mimi, Gandy, the Wise's and the Jackson's. The weather finally warmed up enough for us to go to the park. We tried out every park in town! No one sleeps much when we go to Mimi's so Friday afternoon resulted in exhaustion by all!

These may be my favorite pictures of the week! Maury and Charlotte were quiet for a while in Mimi's playroom and when they came downstairs they were proud to show us the art work all over Maury. Char tried to tell us Maury did it but letter C's and the well drawn shapes made us think otherwise!


Julie said...

How funny! Atleast your nails are well manicured and polished Maury! They look fab!

Julie said...

BTW...Maury I like your arm crossed 90's rapper pose in your bitty baby pjs! You look Too Ligit to quit!

The McDougald Family said...

There is always lots going on when the cousins are around! Maury, I think you look beautiful!! :)