Friday, May 13, 2011

Really Maury and Carter???

Our pre-school year-end choir performances were delayed a couple of weeks due to the tornadoes so this past Wednesday was the big day.  I have directed (refereed) the 2's class this year and Maury and Carter were both singing so I wanted to try and make it.  Owen was working late and Mimi was here so Caroling stayed home with Mimi.  Maury, Carter, and I headed to church to perform.  We practiced, talked it up, etc.  Got in the sanctuary, the music started and Carter just stood there with his lip out, he eventually sat on the step (lip still out).  Never sang a word.  Next up, Maury's class.  Pretty much the same thing except she was smiling a little, but also never opened her mouth.  When she was done we headed home before the show was over because I had to feed baby Caroline.  As we walked to the car Maury said "I didn't sing" and Carter said "I didn't sing too."  Wow.

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