Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Still Leading the Pack....

That's what Dr. Hamm told us at Carter's 15 month check-up today. Not that we had any concerns that Carter would have lost his spot at the top of the growth chart! He was 31 lbs, 4 oz, and 33 in tall. I'm thinking he has slimmed up a little since he's only gained about a pound in the past three months. As fast as he's moving these days the slimming trend should continue. He is into everything and saying new words everyday (mostly words Maury teaches him - the latest are "Mine", "Dora", and "Right Back"). We are so blessed and very thankful for a good report and a precious baby boy!


Haley said...

Sally, he is such a doll! Finally got to meet your friend Ashley today- she was at our pool w/ Melissa!

The Patterson Family said...

Thankful for a good report! Carter is just on his way to that MSU athletic scholarship! Keep it up, Carter!