Friday, April 30, 2010

Water Readiness √√√

Last night was Maury's last swimming lesson and it wasn't too much different from her first. She did really great I just think I had higher expectations for what is taught at the YMCA to 3 year old beginners. Maury never really got comfortable with Sam (had to push her through the door each time)but was happy once she got in the pool, and the lessons didn't really progress past water readiness (I was kind of hoping for some back floating at least). However, she loves the water and is totally comfortable (as she was before lessons started) and I'm thinking she will learn to swim this summer. Maury even learned to look up and smile for the camera!


Deidra said...

Totally understand my son just turneed 4 years on the the 20th of April and he started about 8 weeks ago and I feel that he will be still in pike which is beginners. This Saturday is the last meet and they will tell us where he will be placed. I would like for him to just take off, but he has other plans of just staying still. LOL!!!!

The Patterson Family said...

Well it was fun for us to watch regardless! Still glad we did it despite the lacking progress!! haha

The McDougald Family said...

Hey, at least she survived her first "official" lessons! She may have learned more than you think when you head to the pool this summer!

Charlotte Nixon said...

Gray just fiashed swiming lesson

love mb