Thursday, April 2, 2009

It's been a while.....

I'm a little behind on blogging. We've been really busy and I just haven't taken many pictures to blog about. These are just a few from the past week:

Maury and Daddy made cupcakes one day :)

Carter has a hilarious new face but will not do it for the camera. He squints his eyes really tight and shows his teeth (and grinds them which is the worst sound in the world) and one of his teeth is the size of a permanent tooth so it's really funny. This is a mini version (ignore the pink bib):

Maury helping Mimi decorate her Easter tree:

You can see where she put all of her ornaments, this taken right before the tree fell over:

1 comment:

The Patterson Family said...

I like Maury's interesting idea to put all the ornaments together. Very creative!