Friday, August 5, 2011

3 Months

Caroline is 3 months old today!  She is still likes her beauty sleep but is having a little more awake time each day.  She is still having some issues that we think is reflux related so we've gone up on her Zantac in hopes that she will fuss a little less.  Mommy's arms are still her favorite spot but she's branching out a bit to the swing and she really likes sitting/sleeping in her car seat (thank goodness)!  Even though she's a screamer, she is a precious baby and we are so blessed!!!

AND as a special 3 month birthday gift to Mommy, sweet Caroline slept through the night!  I sure hope she keeps it up!!!

1 comment:

The McDougald Family said...

So sweet, glad she's got her happy face on!! I can't believe how fast she is growing!!