Tuesday, June 3, 2008

First Library Trip (for both)

I now know why we rarely leave the house! It seemed like such a good idea. The library is free, air conditioned and fairly contained, this will be a great outing! Not exactly......Maury was overwhelmed. She wanted to run all over the library and I had Carter attached to me in the Baby Bjorn carrier so I couldn't hold her and it was difficult to keep up with her. I only lost her once, for maybe 30 seconds but it seemed like forever! We did sign up for the summer reading program and checked out a stack of books. We tried to go to the program in the children's theatre but Maury couldn't sit still (maybe because it was about fossils) and Carter started screaming. We did make it home with books to read. If anyone want to volunteer to return them for me in a few weeks let me know!


the Jacksons said...

ha! just remember these are sweet, fun memories!maybe me and the girls can make a trip to bham to return the books...and play, let me know when they are due!!

The Hopkins Family said...

Hey Sally!
I saw your blog through Leigh Ann's. Your kids are so cute! I know you must have your hands full. I'm going to add you to my friends so I can keep up with you. Hope to hear from you soon!
Jennifer Mitchell Hopkins