Saturday, April 9, 2011

Fun Run

Lining Up

Ready, Set, Go!!!

Looking good at the start.....
Carter is Serious!

Almost there!

Taking her time
Run to the Finish Maury!
The boys and their ribbons

We did it!!!
We are always in attendance at our church's High Country 5K but usually I am the runner.  This year I was a volunteer and Owen was planning on running but had to play golf instead.  We couldn't go a year without some family participation so Maury and Carter (and me, sort of) ran in the 1 mile fun run.  I don't think running is in Maury's blood, she made it about a block and said her legs hurt and then walked the rest of the way (she wanted me to carry her).  However, Carter was like a running machine!  I don't think he stopped to walk the whole way.  Thank goodness his buddy Pierce and his daddy Matt kept up with him because I couldn't.  When he finished he even ran back to get me and  Maury!  They were thrilled to get ribbons at the finish line (I coached Maury into running a few yards for the ribbon) and Carter even went back to ask for one for Mommy! 

1 comment:

The McDougald Family said...

You are super mom for running with Maury!